Every Tuesday night I teach BodyPump Express (30 min. bodypump class) and CXWorx (a 30 minute core strengthening class). Both classes are AMAZING and created by Les Mills. If you know you need to add some weight training to your workout routine but are totally clueless when it comes to those crazy machines and can't motivate yourself to pick up more than a 3lbs weight,
BodyPump is the class for you! It's a pre-choreographed resistance training class based on a barbell, and it's the BEST way to ensure that you're working all those muscles that matter - quads, glutes, biceps, triceps, even the often forgotten chest and back muscles.
CXWorx is a somewhat new exercise program and it rocks you to the core - literally! It's a half hour focusing on your abs, obliques, hip flexors, back muscles, and glutes - all the muscles that really make up your core and help you stand up tall. If your gym offers this class, drop everything and go now. Not only will it give you awesome ab definition, but it can even build up the strength that will help fix lower back pain.
But on to the important stuff...
Tuesday night after class is devoted to catching up with my BFF, Tivo. What was on tonight:
1. Semi-Finale of The Voice
2. Finale of Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition
As someone who works in the television industry, I appreciate the purpose of each of these shows. But as a viewer...
Serious watcher |
OMG Team Terry! There's such a place for a real classic rocker to come back into the limelight. I'm also a fan of Cassidy Pope, I can see her being a real pop star. And Nicholas, well you can't help but smile when you hear a sharp "hey naw!" And I love his long red hair. Big sigh of relief that Trevin Hunt was the one to head home. Thank gawd! Don't hate, he's a GREAT singer, phenomenal natural talent as we all can see. But he's SO boring. His voice is dynamic, but that's about it. I don't want to watch him stand on stage and sing. I want to see a performance. Something he didn't really give.
I know I'll be happy with whoever wins The Voice now, though I secretly was rooting for Dez the whole time. This world could use another Backstreet Boy.
Ellie loves Abby Lee too! |
All I have to say about Abby's Ultimate Dance Competion (I'm watching on TiVo as we speak) is ASIA BETTER NOT WIN. Or else I'm boycotting Lifetime. I've got a strong suspicion that those network execs are weighing in on that show to keep the little fireball around. But I don't like her. I don't like her dancing, she's so obviously not up to par with ANY of the other girls on the series. And I don't like the little person that I see. A six-year-old who isn't afraid to say she's going to hurt everyone if she doesn't win, who says she's going to win the show and rename it "Asia's Ultimate Dance Competition," COME ON. Mother needs to do some damage control ASAP before that toddler grows up into a mean girl. Go Madison and Brianna. Both seem like such sweet girls. I'll be happy for either.
I really would hate to boycott Lifetime. Fingers are crossed.
What's your favorite competition show and why?
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