Sunday, January 13, 2013

1/13/13 Week in Workouts and Food!

I've been a bit sick this past week. Don't you hate being sick? It totally limits productivity, rearranging prioritites to accomplish the few things I can while I'm sick.

I'm usually a stickler about not working out while I'm sick. The gym doesn't need my germs, and the fastest way for me to get better is to tax my body as little as possible. So I skipped workouts on Thursday, and probably today, too. Going to sit around and read some magazines and cookbooks - woe is me!

Depending on how I feel, I probably won't fit in any extra workouts outside of what I'm teaching this week, so here it is, my week in workouts:

Sunday : OFF

Monday : Teach 6AM Spin

Tuesday : Teach BodyPump Express and CXWORX in evening

Wednesday : OFF - will go to yoga if this cold has cleared up!

Thursday : OFF

Friday: Teach 6PM Spin

Saturday: Teach Body Pump

I'm loving getting back to cooking, and can't wait to cook my way through another big group of recipes:

Sunday: Peppered Flank Steak

Monday: Tomato Soup with Parmesan and Croutons - Super easy, and soup is perfect for when you're sick!

Tuesday: Leftovers/Something Quick

Wednesday: Roasted Chicken and beets

Thursday: Chopped winter salad with squash, apple, and feta

Friday:  TBD

Saturday: TBD

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